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Is it okay to be angry?

2 min readDec 23, 2016


Over the years, I had mastered the art of controlling anger. For instance, if I were angry at you, I wouldn’t talk to you for a few days until the so-called anger had left no trace of its existence in my brain. Thus, I was never angry just sad. I had substituted this weird emotion with an eternal ‘sadness’. Things kept happening and this was my unique way of dealing with difficult people and harsh circumstances. But one day when I was stuck in a catch-22 situation the dormant volcano finally erupted, I was angry as a bear. I really caused havoc that day. Later on, my mind was brimming with thoughts, trying to understand my own demeanor. Apparently, all it needed was a minute external factor to trigger all the latent emotions that I had been suppressing for years.

So, the moral of the story is to feel and express. Every emotion is important and needs to be acknowledged, if we don’t give it some space then it would find it’s own space like it did in my case. We are humans and it’s perfectly natural to feel sad, frustrated, ecstatic or angry. We shouldn’t try to suppress or substitute one emotion for another because you never know what could initiate what sort of a reaction.

